Issue 174117 in chromium: AppleScript does not know about multiple profiles
2013-08-13 01:28:09 UTC
Comment #5 on issue 174117 by ***@gmail.com: AppleScript does not
know about multiple profiles

Thank you, andrew. The workaround of using Apple's GUI Scripting ("System
Events") is not only ugly, it results in unpredictable screwups if the user
happens to touch the mouse or keyboard while the script is running.

For simplicity, my original description stated the problem in terms of a
user running an AppleScript "manually". But the same problem occurs when
another application or process is scripting Chrome, and in that case GUI
Scripting is definitely not acceptable.

The Chrome team has put a lot of effort into User Profiles and
AppleScriptability, and these features surpass what is available in
Safari. They just need a few more wires to make them together.


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2015-12-17 03:02:13 UTC
Cc: ***@chromium.org

Comment #8 on issue 174117 by ***@chromium.org: AppleScript does not
know about multiple profiles

A recent bug in the interaction between Chrome and Applescript has recently
caused me trouble with my simple profile switching scripts (which were
especially frustrating when combined with https://crbug.com/570557#c1 and
Issue 570104); a simple command for direct support would be much easier to
discover and more robust against random bugs like the ones I ran into.

Mike: suppose someone (e.g. me when I have *cough* spare time) thought this
was a snazzy thing to add and wanted to add it. Would it likely be
accepted, or would there first have to be discussion of whether it's okay?

(I know there was a thread in the last few months about possibly dropping
AppleScript support, but I believe we ended up with keeping Applescript
support for now.)
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2015-12-17 03:03:13 UTC
Labels: -Type-Bug Type-Feature

Comment #9 on issue 174117 by ***@chromium.org: AppleScript does not
know about multiple profiles

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2015-12-17 03:21:13 UTC
Comment #10 on issue 174117 by ***@chromium.org: AppleScript does not
know about multiple profiles

Also, in case someone else is having the same problem I've been having
recently, comment #6 works for switching profiles using Applescript (except
that the "Users" menu is now "People"). Here is a shorter form:

tell application "Google Chrome" to activate
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Google Chrome"
click menu item "My Profile" of menu "People" of menu bar item "People" of
menu bar 1
end tell

Until recently, `click menu item "My Profile" menu bar item "People" of
menu bar 1` worked for the nested line, but now it doesn't work for me
unless I add the `of menu "People"` part.

As pointed out in comment #7, you still have to give "System Events.app"
access to Accessibility under System Preferences > Privacy > Accessibility.
Also, the script doesn't work if you have a Chrome App window open (Issue

But apart from that, it works. For now. Mostly.
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2015-12-17 05:12:27 UTC
Comment #11 on issue 174117 by ***@gmail.com: AppleScript does not
know about multiple profiles

GUI scripting also requires that the user understand not to touch the mouse
or keyboard while the script is running. GUI scripting in OS X is good
only as a toy. Or maybe a game. Prior to each script run, players could
bets on whether or not the script is going go to work this time.
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2016-01-05 14:57:31 UTC
Cc: ***@chromium.org ***@chromium.org ***@chromium.org

Comment #12 on issue 174117 by ***@chromium.org: AppleScript does not
know about multiple profiles

I don't have any direct issue with adding it to the AS dictionary, might
have security or privacy impact, however. Not sure if there are assumptions
made that switching requires explicit user activity, etc.

cc'ing rsesek and battre for respective comments.
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2016-01-06 17:41:09 UTC
Owner: ***@chromium.org

Comment #14 on issue 174117 by ***@chromium.org: AppleScript does not
know about multiple profiles

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